The Bono Regional Minister Hon Justina Owusu Banahene on Tuesday, February 16 2022, paid a day working visit to Dorma Central Municipal Assembly
The visit which kicks start the Minister’s familiarization tour of the various Municipal and District Assemblies under her jurisdiction is aimed at gathering first hand information on how the Municipality is fairing in terms of developmental projects, internally generated funds, capacity of the human resource, challenges and potential avenues for growth and development. The Regional Coordinating Council, headed by the Minister and other technocrats, based on the pieces of information, can properly assess and offer the best of advice for accelerated growth of the municipality.
The day’s activities began with a staff durbar which brought together the entire staff of the Assembly.
After the report read by the MCE, in the person of Mr Iddrisuh Wattra, the Honourable Minister took the stage to advise the staff on variety of issues including avenues for revenue generation and efficient financial management, efficient project management, implementation of audit report, dedication to duty and teamwork, punctuality and efficient time management, professional and moral ethics, avoidance of partisan politics whiles on duty as civil servants, offering oneself for further studies towards higher academic and professional competency to mention but a few.
The Chief Director of the RCC and his colleagues technocrats took turns to offer technical advice on various sectors of the assembly.
During open forum, the staff had the opportunity of asking questions some of which border on their work and general conditions of service.
Hon Justina Owusu Banahene, the Bono Regional Minister, with assistance from her able technocrats from the RCC were able to offer instance answers and solutions to some of the questions whiles others were referred to the heads of the various departments for immediate solutions towards effective functioning of the staff.
This was immediately followed by a meeting with Poultry Farmers.
At this meeting, the Hon Minister, the technical people from MOFA and our gallant farmers deliberated extensively on matters affecting the poultry industry. She thanked the farmers sincerely for making the Region proud as one of the leading producers of meat and eggs and for that matter protein to feed the Nation and providing employment avenues for the many a youth of this country.
The Honourable Minister, after recalling a statement made at her Ministerial Vetting that” Bono is Poultry and Poultry is Bono” to reemphasize her determination to ensure the development of the poultry industry, solemnly pledged to leave no stone unturned to support the farmers towards the development of the Poultry Industry.
She continued the day’s activities with inspection of projects. Her first point of call was the laboratory which was established by Prez Kuffour, abandoned by successive government and now being renovated and refurbished with modern equipments by the current Government.
The Honourable Minister, at the least opportunity did not forget to educate her audience on the need to accept the E- levy and humbly advised all well meaning Ghanaians to embrace the E- levy and be ambassadors, claiming it’s only through it that Ghanaians will see the accelerated development we are yearning for.
Among the projects inspected are a modern JHS BLOCK at Suromani, Technology Solutions Center, Dorma Vocational Training Institute (Under TVET) and an Ultra Modern Bus Terminal with Police Post, National Ambulance Service Center, Fire Station and Toilet Facilities.
A Municipal Security Council (MUSEC) meeting that travelled deep into the evening ended the day’s activities.
Among the Minister’s Entourage were Mr Nawil, Chief Dir. of RCC and Mr Gyamera one of his Deputies, The Regional Dir. of MOFA, Mr Denis Akugri, Mr Darko, the Regional Veterinary Doctor, Security Personals and the Media.