The Bono Regional minister, Mad. Justina Owusu Banahene, has called upon bankers to make an effort to explain bank policies and programs to clients using language that the customers can easily understand.
During a meeting in Sunyani with the heads of various financial institutions in the region, the Regional Minister emphasized the importance of effective communication with clients, using their preferred language.
This approach would allow clients to ask questions and seek clarification on anything they do not understand.
Mad. Justina Owusu Banahene highlighted that bankers and other professionals often confuse their clients with complex English vocabulary and idioms, resulting in a loss of potential customers.
This issue is particularly significant for those who cannot express themselves well in English or for those who pretend to understand but never return due to the language barrier.
The Minister emphasized that using convoluted financial jargon does not elevate one’s status to an elite level.
Instead, she advised bankers to communicate in a way that resembles a conversation with a basic student, using simple and understandable English.
Furthermore, she encouraged financial institutions to create advertising materials in local languages, citing the example of many Christians who can read the Twi translation of the Bible but struggle with the English version.
The Minister acknowledged that even those who can read and understand English often comprehend the local language better.
She cautioned against driving clients away simply because they cannot speak English fluently.
In conclusion, Mad. Justina Owusu Banahene urged bankers to prioritize clear and accessible communication with clients, employing language that bridges the gap and ensures that all customers feel valued and understood.