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The Information Services Department (ISD) Directorate in the Bono Region has launched a campaign on Single Window Citizen Engagement Service (SWCES) under the auspices of Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP) to sensitize the general public on the flagship Social Protection programmes such as the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty Programme (LEAP), Labour Intensive Public Works (LIPW), Education Capitation Grant, NHIS and Ghana National School Feeding Programme.

The campaign also aimed at educating and encouraging citizens to report at the SWCES secretariat issues such as disability, child abuse, human trafficking, sexual harassment and defilement that the vulnerable are confronted with on daily basis through a toll free contact number of 0800800800 for their grievances to be addressed.

Mr. Imoro Ayibani Tebra, Bono Regional Director of ISD in his speech to launch the campaign advised the Municipal and District Officers as well as the campaign team to do due diligence by employing the various communication and campaign strategies to ensure that they deliver the right message to the public in the various communities. He said the campaign crew will engage the public and the communities through community information centres, FM/radio stations, churches and mosques, mini groups and markets and satellites markets as well as the ISD cinema vans to make sure that the target communities receive the right message.

The campaign, Mr. Ayibani Tebra added seeks to reduce the barriers of reporting issues such as disability, child abuse, human trafficking, sexual harassment and defilement that the vulnerable people are confronted with on daily basis in their communities.

He observed that the various issues the public who will reports at the SWCES secretariat on disability, child abuse, human trafficking, sexual harassment and defilement that the vulnerable are confronted would enable government appreciate the kind of violence and abuse in our communities for policy formulation.

The campaign team assured the Regional Director that they were ready to deliver on their mandate. The Districts selected for the SWCES campaign in the Region include Sunyani West, Tain, Wenchi, Berekum, Dormaa Central Municipal and Jaman North. The one month programme is expected to end by 31st March 2024.

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